
torsdag, november 13, 2014

The Boyfriend Shirt

Brrr! The November cold has really set in here in Sweden, but I don't want to have to scratch my "men's style coat and knee high socks" outifts just yet, sorry thighs! I love an androgynous look, one of the reasons I'm a huge Yves Saint Laurent fan. This light blue Scotch & Soda shirt has been a longtime favorite in my wardrobe. It's that classic shirt with an extra edge to it and gives you that perfect "I threw on my boyfriends shirt this morning" vibe to any look! The same with this Zara pea coat which I love to throw over a dress and skirt with a pair of knee high socks to ad that androgynous edge to a very feminine look.


I was wearing

Coat Zara
Cap bought in New York
Earrings Gina Tricot
Socks Macy's 

torsdag, oktober 30, 2014

French Cheese & Louis Vuitton

The darker and colder it gets, drifting away in my mind, thinking of the day we arrived in Paris at least makes me a little warmer inside...A sunny evening, sittting outside sipping on a cool Kir Royal, munching salad with chunky pieces of cheese (just the way I like my cheese!) and watching chic Parisians pass by. Oh and then my heart skipping a beat of excitement walking into my very first Paris vintage shop. Still makes me smile thinking of this to die for sixities style Louis Vuitton vintage dress. I just had to go back there a second time before leaving JUST so I could lay me eyes on it one last time and lock that image into my mind forever!

Photography by: Annika Lagerqvist

söndag, oktober 26, 2014

Stella meets Rochas

And of course Chiara wore these Stella McCartney work of arts that made my jaw drop the first time I laid my eyes on them! Loved that she stuck to the nude color palette throughout the look and the combination of that sort of man style shoe with the very feminine, gorgeous(!) beaded Rochas dress. A walking work of art. 

Photography by: Annika Lagerqvist

lördag, oktober 25, 2014

Meeting Chiara Ferragni

I've been so excited to share this moment with you. Latley has been a roller coaster, and my blogging unfortunatley had to suffer from a whirlwind of a week...But, on the positive side it makes me realize how much it means to me to share what I do with you and how grateful I am for each and everyone of you who are following me on the journey.

This is one of my highlights during Paris Fashion Week, when I ran into top blogger and my biggest fashion blog inspiration The Blonde Salad's Chiara Ferragni outside Elie Saab show, whom I've looked up to since she started out!

tisdag, oktober 14, 2014

Featured on Les Gens

Street style foto taget av Clare Andrew från Nya Zeeländska LES GENS under Paris Fashion Week.
Missa inte deras hemsida för mer inspiration från både Fashion Week och andra event!

Street style pic by Clare Andrew at LES GENS, New Zeeland during Paris Fashion Week.
Don't miss out on their website for more inspiration from both Fashion Week and other events!

söndag, oktober 12, 2014

Shoe Stopper

Sista dagen i Paris, på en promenad i Montmarte ramlade vi in i den underbara skobutiken L'Oeuf (ägget), äggälskare som jag är! Sekunden jag klev in och såg dessa skor från brittiska märket Underground fanns det ingen tvekan, de skulle med mig hem.
Gillar kontrasten mellan det feminina, som kjol ihop med en makulinare sko. En kombo som syntes och jag inspirerades väldigt mycket utav under Paris Fashion Week, där herrinspirerade skor med grövre sula var en av streetstyle favortierna.

The last day in Paris, during a walk in Montmarte we stopped by a shoe store called L'Oeuf (the egg), like the egglover l am! The second I walked in and saw these shoes from the Brittish brand Underground I knew I had to have them.
I like the contrast between the femininity of a skirt together with a more masculine shoe. A combo that was seen a lot and I was really inspired by during Paris Fashion Week, where chunky sole platforms were one of the streetstyle favorites.

I love a statement jewelery like these earrings.

Photography by: Annika Lagerqvist

Skirt Zara
Coat, Clutch, Sunnies H&M
Earrings Cool Cat, New York 

fredag, oktober 10, 2014


"...sometimes a girl just needs one." (Britney said it!)

Okej, nu råkade jag lyssna på Britney Spears låt "Boys" men...Det är någonting med de där fransmännen....och New Yorkarna ;)

Okay, now I just so happened to listen to Britney Spears song "Boys", but...There's just something about those French men...and New Yorkers ;)

New York 2010

torsdag, oktober 09, 2014

It's Cool to be Nice

Läste precis ett reportage i senaste H&M magazine, "Fashion is FUN!" som bara fick mig att sitta här och le för mig själv. Det handlar om hur modevärldens insider scen gått från att kunna kännas som en otillgänglig, mystisk värld till att, tack vare social media och streetstyle blivit mycket mer tillgänglig och lekfull...Se bara på Moschino's senaste kollektioner :D

Och detta fick mig direkt att tänka på denna tjejen vi mötte utanför John Galliano's visning under Paris Fashion Week. Direkt när hon kom upp från tunnelbanan bjöd hon fotograferna på sitt bredate Colgate smile och charmade alla med sin positiva energi. Och det är så kul att börja se denna lekfulla attityden även på visningarna, som Cara Delevingne och Joan Smalls hos Stella McCartney...Den bilden gör mig lika glad varje gång!

Just read the article "Fashion is FUN!"in the latest issu of H&M magazine, which made me sit here and smile from ear to ear all by myself. It's about how the fashion world's inner scene has gone from feeling inaccessible and mysterious but thanks to social media and streetstyle has become much more accessible and playful ...Just look at Moschino's latest collections :D

And this immediately got me thinking of this girl outside we met outside John Galliano's show during Paris Fashion Week. The minute she walked up from the metro station she gave the photographers her broadest Colgate smile and charmed everyone with her positive energy. And I love to see how this playful approach has begun to find its way onto the runway, like Cara Delevigne and Joan Smalls at Stella McCartney...That pic makes me smile everytime!

First three photos: Annika Lagerqvist
Last photo:

onsdag, oktober 08, 2014

Blue Crush

Jag är svag för ljusblått, speciellt på killar. En ljusblå skjorta med stärkt krage kan göra mig knäsvag...Men okej, fokus(!) nu var det ju inte det som fick mitt hjärta att klappa lite snabbare utan denna look från Gucci's höst/vinter kollektion 2014. Ljus blått, denim, choklad bruna skinn accessoarer tillsammans med glasögonen och make upen som en modern twist på 60 talet...Jag vill bara byta plats med modellen Julia Nobis just nu.

I have a thing for light blue, especially on guys. A light blue shirt can get me weak to my knees...But okay, focus(!) now that wasn't what made my heart skip a beat, but this look from Gucci's fall/winter collection 2014. Light blue, denim, chocolate brown accessories together with the glasses and make up as a modern twist on the sixties...I want to switch places with model Julia Nobis so bad right now.


tisdag, oktober 07, 2014

Behind the Scenes...Make Up Store

Till klänningen i förra inlägget var jag först väldigt sugen på att göra en make up á la 60 talets supermodell Twiggy efter att ha sett Gucci's supersnygga, lite 60 tals inspirerade sminkningar på höst visningen. Men när Anna på Make Up Store föreslog en blå/rosa liner just för att inte makeupen skulle stjäla för mycket uppmärksamhet från klänningen tvekade jag inte! Älskar när makeup artister, precis som Anna, utan att tveka säger "det där ska du ha/passar du i!". Jag kände mig först ganska "naken" i ansikten, brukar själv gilla att leka med skuggor och gör sällan bara en kraftig liner, men blev så överraskad (positivt!) när jag såg vilken effekt det gav på fotona! Tack igen Anna!

After seeing the sixties inspired make up at the Gucci's fall runway show, I was so up for that "Twiggy" look to complement the dress from last post. But when Anna at Make Up Store here in Gothenburg suggested a blue/pink eyeliner so the make up wouldn't overshadow the dress I was all for it! I actually felt quite pale at first, I usually like to play with eyeshadows and rarely do only a thick liner, but when I saw the photos I was so surprised by the effect of the make up and how well it turned out! I owe it all to you Anna!

Photography by: Annika Lagerqvist

måndag, oktober 06, 2014

Les Sixties

Älskar 60-tals siluetten på denna klänningen! Jag vet inte om det är på grund av att jag börjat maraton titta på första säsongen av the Rachel Zoe Project (igen!) och inte kan låta bli att inspireras av hennes, som hon själv säger, obsession för 60 och 70-talet...
Stort tack till make up artisten Anna på Make Up Store som worked her magi och lyfte klänningen med den matchande sminkningen!

Love the sixties silhouette of this dress! Don't know if it's beacuse I've started binge watching the first season of the Rachel Zoe Project (again!) and can't help but to be inspired by her obsession for the sixties and seventies...
Thanks to make up artist Anna at Make Up Store who worked her magic and elevated the dress with the matching make up!

Photography by: Annika Lagerqvist

Dress H&M
Hat Zara
Necklace H&M

fredag, oktober 03, 2014

Passion for Paris

Några baguetter, ostar och åh de där quicherna(!) senare har jag landat hemma igen efter en oförglömlig resa, hög på mode inspiration från Fashion Week som jag är så tacksam att få ha tagit del av. Längtar redan till nästa! Ska bli så kul att få dela med mig av detta till er, så stay tuned nu när det ska gås igenom en del(!) bilder ;)

A couple baguettes, some well okay a lot of cheese, oh and those quiches(!) later, I'm back home after an unforgettable trip, high on fashion inspiration from Fashion Week which I'm so grateful to have been a part of. Can't wait for the next one!
I'm excited to share this with you, so stay tuned while I'll be going through quite a lot of pics ;)

torsdag, september 25, 2014

Croissant for Breakfast

Idag åker jag äntligen till baguettens huvudstad! Sen första gången jag såg senaste säsongens Paris Fashion Week avsnitt av the Rachel Zoe project har jag längtat efter att få uppleva Paris. Bland mycket annat ser jag så fram emot att få spana in och inspireras av streetstyle vimlet utanför Carrousel du Louvren...Men kanske mest av allt, få äta baguette och croissant till frukost! 
Så häng med mig på Instagram! Och om det är någonstans i Paris du ätit the pain au chocolat of your life? Let me know! 

Today I'm finally going to the baguette capital! Since I saw the latest seasons Paris Fashion Week episode of the Rachel Zoe project I've been longing to see Paris. Among many things I'm so looking forward to see some inspiring streetstyle outside Carrousel du Louvren...But maybe most of all, eat baguette and croissant for breakfast! 
So join me in on Instagram! And if there's anywhere in Paris you've eaten the pain au chocolate of your life? Let me know!