Pulsen, de gula taxibilarna, människorna....Jag bara älskar den här staden! Men snön överraskade mig verkligen, trodde jag skulle möta våren här i New York?! Så vi fick fly undan snön inne på den nyöppnade H&M i Time Warner building på 59th St Columbus Cirlcle, vilket slutade med att jag köpte detta hårbandet och dessa solglasögonen som gav nytt liv åt min outfit!
The pulse, the yellow cabs, the people.....I just love this city! But the snow caught me by surprise, tought I was going to meet the spring here in New York?! So to escape the snow we checked out the newly opened H&M in Time Warner buildning at 59th St Columbus Circle, were I bought this headband and these sunglasses to spice up my outfit with!
I was wearing
Headband, Sunglasses H&M
Jacket Green with Envy
Bag Diesel
Boots Ash
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